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LazyT's Top Ten
Most Popular Never Before Heard
County Western Songs
10) "Looking back over the years we've been together,
I can't help but wonder,
What in the blue blazes was I thinking?!"

9) "You said you'd die for me..
.. it's time you kept your promise."

8) "I never knew the devil, 'til I met you!"

7) "I'd always wanted someone to love..
.. After meeting you, I've changed my mind."

6) "We've been friends for such a long time..
.. what say we call it quits."

5) "Someday I hope to get married..
.. but not to you."

4) "As the day goes by, I think how lucky I am..
.. that you're not here to ruin it for me."

3) "I never believed in Hell.. til I met you."

2) "I'm so miserable without you..
.. it's almost like you're here."

and the #1 most popular never before heard
County Western Song

1) "The day ya left me for my best friend,
I gave ya his leash, water bowl and chew toys."

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