On this site ya may find: some poems to Mom 'n Dad 'n Lil Deb and a long winded joke. some cartoons of Bugs, Wilye and Taz and a commercial for Coke. some dawgs 'n cats 'n elephants, but sure as your born... on this site you'll find no porn. In amongst it all,
HOWDY Y'all! make yoreself ta home! |
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LAZYTD town to pay a visit! |
[ America united ] [ Credits ] [ Dad ] [ Family ] [ HOME ] [ Kid Town ] [ Lil Deb ] [ Lil JJ ] [ Link City (has been abandoned) ] [ Mom ] [ Peanut ] [ Pets ] [ Ready? ] [ Ryan Express ] [ Toon City Muse ] [ 5aindians ] [ E-Mail lazyT ] ©wbro
Did ya find the hidden URLS to poems fur lil Deb?
"If some day you're not feeling well, you should remember some silly little
thing I have said or done and if it brings a smile to your face or a chuckle
to your heart,then my purpose as a clown has been fulfilled."
Red Skelton 1913 / 1997
"We git a hankerin to be a fixin these pages
to Sitemap