[ Image: space ]

[ Image:

On this site ya may find:
some poems to Mom 'n Dad 'n Lil Deb
and a long winded joke.
some cartoons of Bugs, Wilye and Taz
and a commercial for Coke.
some dawgs 'n cats 'n elephants,
but sure as your born...
on this site you'll find no porn.

In amongst it all,
  "We hope ya find a good time!"

[ Image: diamond ]

[ Image: Ask me why I love Jesus / He first loved me! ]
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ:
for it is the power of God unto salvation
to everyone that believes...
Romans 1:16
the Story
a Deck of Cards
can tell

[ Image: diamond ]

This site is:

"Smoke Free!" [ Image: No smokeing ]

a Family Friendly Site(tm)

Hand Crafted
Aint got da smarts ta go figure them fancy layout programs 8>)

Designed with terminal set at 800x600

Site contains small print which may pose
a hazard for adults OVER 40 years of age!
[ Image: lazyT's map each town clickable, text map follows ]

HOWDY Y'all!
make yoreself
ta home!
Just click on a
town to
pay a visit!
[ Image: space ]
Site Map ( Table of Content ) 
[ America united ] [ Credits ] [ Dad ] [ Family ] [ HOME ]
[ Kid Town ] [ Lil Deb ] [ Lil JJ ] [ Link City (has been abandoned) ] [ Mom ]
[ Peanut ] [ Pets ] [ Ready? ] [ Ryan Express ]
[ Toon City Muse ] [ 5aindians ]
[ E-Mail lazyT ]

[ Image: Taz with roses for lil Deb ] ©wbro

[ Image: Texas Youth Hotline - Life can Hurt we can help ]
Call 1-800-989-6884 Text 512-872-5777
[ Image: fish going for the bait / Even a fish wouldnt git hooked...if he wouldnt take the bait ]
       ...God shed His grace on thee..."

              A poem for my heros. Honoring 29 Young Men
 May the 4254 web surfer
  to hang their keyboard on this site,
[ Image: Taz shouting 'Have a fan-TAZ-tic day' ]

Did ya find the hidden URLS to poems fur lil Deb?
{"I toed ya, my lips are sealed, and I'll never tail
that a rose by anyother name is still a rose!"}


[ Image: Clem Kaddidlehopper... My favorite! ] "If some day you're not feeling well, you should remember some silly little thing I have said or done and if it brings a smile to your face or a chuckle to your heart,then my purpose as a clown has been fulfilled."    Red Skelton 1913 / 1997
red's rose

"We git a hankerin to be a fixin these pages
evurwonsinawhahl, so yawl kumbak now...
We leave you with our cookies!"

[ Image: animated cookies being eaten ]

to Sitemap
[ Image: Todays forecast... Jesus reigns ]
The URL of this page:
Email questions or comments to: lazyT
© 1998-2003 lazyTD webdesigns, all rights reserved
steer skull w/ Texas flag