love is the sacred shrine 
in the heart of a child adored by a mother

a Tribute to my mom


Maurine O'Neal (Deaver),


Photo of mom 1948
In loving memory
Born Cleburne, Tx
July 29,1914 - August 8, 1993

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Scriptures from New American Standard Bible
Paul's revelation concerning the dead in Christ
1 Thessalonians 4
13) But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve, as do the rest who have no hope.
14) For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus.

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These poems may be reproduced, for non-profit,
remember, credits go to God for the poems on this
page he gave me the words, I just wrote them down.
Thanks for reading... Marlin

God... tell Mom

God, when mom gets to heaven
you wont need to tell her I loved her
though I did not say it often,
She will say "I remember he's told me so."

The next time you see her,
you wont need to hug her neck for me,
though I did not do it often,
She will say "I remember we hugged not long ago".

And while you are talking to her,
you wont need to add a few words from me,
though I did not call often,
She will say "I remember we spoke just yesterday".

God, as you give comfort to her there
you wont need to cheer her for me.
though I did not laugh with her often,
She will say "I remember how we used to play!"

God, Please!, tell mom...
"I remember her love for me"

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Just as quickly as death takes a loved one
Like a thief in the night,
God takes them home to heavens light.

What eyes have not seen and
ears have not heard,
They now have, as they sit at Gods feet
and listen to His word.

Satan, you may rejoice now
thinking victory as we morn,
The last rejoicing will be ours
when Gabriel blows his horn.
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Broken, As I Pray

God. I stand here , as I pray, to let ya know I'm mad.
You wont answer my prayer, and we seem so far apart.
It's as though you've left me here alone
with the yoke of a broken heart.

God. Humbly I bow, as I pray, askin' you to forgive me
for thinking my prayers were going unheeded.
I had forgotten they've just been seeded.
Help me to pray without ceasing that, though with sorry I'm filled,
I may see what your harvest will yield.

God. On bended knee , as I pray,
oh what a comfort from this morning,
for I hear what you have spoken,
and I can feel the heavy yoke has been broken.

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This wonderful lady adopted me when I was 4 hours old.
I could not have been loved by anyone more than her.
The "God Tell Mom" poem came to me in Feb. 1993, when
I found out mom was terminally ill. I prayed for a way to express
my love for her in a way which I felt I'd not done before.
Mom was loosing her fight already and the meds she was on
had her mind groggy. The poem came just in time, for she was able
to read it and I could see her eyes light up. I thanked God...
With moms loss, to cancer, I got very mad at God, feeling
he had not answered my prayers for her healing.
At a time when I was in deep depression He gave me "Rejoice" and
"Broken..." I'd never written poetry, and why He started
giving me these... well... I reckon I'll find out one day.

Mom's birthday Funfacts
"Creation of Mothers"

Please... you owe it to your self health and to your families,
check this out...
bosoom buddies logo

...and visit these two sites:
Breast cancer awareness- Pink ribbon    American Cancer Society

midi "How Great Thou Art", courtesy Don Carroll.

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Copyright © Marlin Deaver 1996,98
Background by LazyT
This page last updated 6/7/2010