Peanuts Favorite
"DOGTOONS"!(and ANIMAL jokes!)

Did ya hear about the...

... frog who went to the bank?.. Welt..
this frog, Kermitt Jagger, went to the bank to get a loan.
(seems his lily "pad" was in need of some remodeling)
He was shown to the loan officers desk, a Ms Patty Black.
Upon asking Ms Black for a loan, she ask him
"Do you have any collateral?"
He replied, as he reached into his pocket, "I have this"...
and he showed her a most beautiful polished, tiny pink porcelain elephant, about half an inch tall.
Ms Black, none too sure about it, went to the bank president explained "Sir, there's a frog in my office wanting to put this up as collateral for a loan. (showing him the tiny elephant) "What is it? "
The bank pres, looking at the elephant, told her...
"Well it's a Knick-Knack Patty Black,
Give the Frog a Loan!
His old man is a Rolling Stone!"

... Pig with a wooden leg...
This story starts out with a traveling salesman driving down Main street of a small rural mid-western town.... When, upon seeing a site which astonished him, an old farmer walking with a pig. He just had to stop and ask...
"Excuse me there sir, I just couldn't help but see you are being followed by a pig., and a pig with a wooden leg at that. Would you mind telling me what has happened to this pig?"
"Welt sir", replied the farmer. "Ya see, a couple weeks back... I wuz outin my field on my tractor a plowin, when I hit a burrow. The tractor flipped over on me and I was trapped! Well, along comes this hea pig... he roots me out from under the tractor, and surely saved my life"...
"And I guess the pig got hurt?" interjected the salesman.
"No sir, no sir not at all... Ya see just a few days latter, I fell asleep smokin in bed. Caught the house on fire. Again this hea pig was there... pulled me out the house as it wuz-a-bout to collapse...saved my life again!"
"And that's ..." he tried to reply. but the ole farmer cut him off once more.
"Mister... ya aint gonna believe it... but just last week a city slicker like yoreself, come a barrelin through town, ran the only stop light we got, broadsidein me in my p-cup. I wuz trapped again... the truck burst into flames... and good-gosh a'Mighty there's this pig. He got me outta the truck just as it exploded, he'd dun gone 'n saved my life again!"
"Ah? so he was hit by some shrapnel and injured his ..."
again the salesman was cut short..
"Naw sir, you just aint gittin the understandin hea...

When ya got a pig as lucky as this un?...
Ya just cant eat him all at one time!

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[ Image: Snoopy (the redbaron) flying his plane ]

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