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lazyT napping

We successfully completed our
"Self-taught NTP" a few years 
ago and are now reaping the
benefits. With years of experience
take our advice; Just as in training
for anything,
  DO NOT jump right into the full
90 minutes. It's too strenuous on
ones body.

This will be a NINE week ("GUIDED")
 training  regiment. 
(We will NAP right along 'side you.) Designed to "gar-on-tee" you reach
(or your "2¢ worth" will be refunded in full within a minimum time frame)

Week 1:
 Start off with the 10-20 minute 1-a-day NAP, henceforth refered to as
 "Training Sessions" ("TS").
From this point on .. 
REMEMBER.. stretching BEFORE and AFTER your "TS" is 
We dont want to strain nor be tense. After all this is all done for the sake
 of FEELING GOOD! Our moto.. "No pain IS GAIN!"
Take the weekend off. (2 days of rest will do a body good)

Week 2:
 You ARE now ready for "2-a-day "TS". Still stick to 10-20 mins. once in the
 AM then again in the PM. Continue this for one week.
Take the weekend off. (2 days of rest will have ya ready for week 3)

Week 3:
 Now the training starts "3-a-days".. these are a bit tricky to schedule.
But you should now be reaping such benefits, from your "TS", that you
 will squeeze 'em in there quit readily. 
(We suggest a Dr. Pepper time line 10 - 2 -4.)
This works very well until you reach your goal of 3 * 90 minutes per day.
This will require some creative planing around the outside worlds demands
on your time. But remember.. Its YOUR time... USE IT!
Take the weekend off. (again, the 2 days of rest will do a body good)

Week 4:
 We step back to a one-a-day 30 minute "TS". You may experience some lag
time during this week. Two reasons..
 1) 30 minutes is NOT an optimal "TS" for maximum benefits
 2) you will be cutting back on the total time for the week.
Trust me.. this week is required in preperation for your next big "STEP UP".
 We do not want to hit the "floor" before we reach our goal.
(Enjoy your progress, reward yourself, take the weekend off)

Week 5:
 Stepping it up a notch.. 30 minute "2-a-days" You will now start to feel it.
By the end of week 5 you will be feeling perkier  than at end of week 3.
Take the weekend off.
 (EVERYONE will by now be enjoying the new you on weekends)

Week 6:
 Training intensifies! 30 minute 3-a-days, can you believe it¿ You are on
 the RIGHT track.
 (By this time you should have found a quite and comfortable
 "Training Session"site.
 We suggest, if at all possible, select a site where you would have access
 to "watching" a PGA event.. sound of grass growing will get you into your 
"Training Session Zone" (TSZ))
Take the weekend off.
(You are going to a NEW even MORE intensified level, body will need
 some "ketchup" time)

We are nearing the end of our "preparations" for a life time "FULL" of NAPS. 
( Your goal is just around the clock. No lagging now.. keep up the pace.
 Remember, "THIS IS YOUR LIFE"!)

Week 7:
 90 minute one-a-days. From your previous 6 weeks notes, pick the most
optimal time to start "training session" based on your schedule. 
(This is VERY important to preserve what we have gained thus far)
Take the weekend off. 
(At this point you will be breezing through weekends with NEW found vigor.)

Week 8:
 This will be your biggest STEP UP to date.. the 90 minute 2-a-days.
Depending on how faithful you've been to your "NTP" this could be a breeze
or you could "HIT the FLOOR".. we, being VERY optimistic KNOW you've
 given this your ALL and a breeze it will be!

As you are nearing GRADUATION, we probably need not remind you to take
 the weekend off. 
BUT..take the weekend off.. too much of a good thing is, like they say,

The vaunted 90 minute 3-a-days!
 EURIKA! You are now among the elitist of NAPPERS!
( Take the weekend off! You have SUCCESSFULLY completed LazyT's

The information presented here is for entertainment purposes only and may
 not be used as a substitute for professional advice and/or information.
 Any real life actions taken are entirely your OWN responsibility.
You should not act nor rely upon this information without seeking
 professional advice. 
Do not attempt any of the suggested actions or instructions found herein.
 The materials are NOT intended to be nor do they constitute actionable
 professional advice.
Transmission of this information is not intended to create a
 professional-client relationship between me and you. I am not a qualified
 professional, and simply  in my own little goofiness provided this NTP for
 entertainment purposes only.
  Your reading of this disclaimer constitutes that you fully AGREE. 

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  Health Q. & A.
  Dementia Test
  You Are Here
  Trouble Getting to Sleep

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